We’ll be holding our HUGS Annual General Meeting 2.00 -3.30pm on Saturday 22nd March.

We’d like lots of you join us for the AGM and find out more about our plans for the 2025/2026 work programme. If you have ideas for future projects that you’d like to see HUGS run, do send us your thoughts to and we can talk about them together in the meeting.

Below is the Zoom link for the AGM on Saturday the 22nd of March at 2.00pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 0622 3890

Passcode: 645321

Hope to see you there!


  1. Welcome and apologies

  2. Approval of minutes from previous AGM (see link below)

  3. Treasurer’s report (see link below)

  4. 2023 Summary from the Chair (see link below)

  5. Election of Committee members

  6. Planning discussion for 2025

    1. Projects and activities

    2. Events

    3. Communication and engagement strategy

  7. AOB

  8. Wrap up and next steps

See a link to our 2024 minutes here


Life in the meadow